Does someone have a high-level org chart - so to speak - of the community? To be more specific, a chart or description
of all the recognizable groups (associations, corporations, memberships,
etc.) that are either directly in charge of some part of the OOo project
as a whole, or are obviously directly related to using the OOo project?
I think this would be tremendously useful for those of us who are not as
familiar with the OOo history and breadth (and different types of) the
I agree this discussion would not need to gate an IPMC vote.
- Shane
Simon Phipps wrote:
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 2:21 PM, <> wrote:
This is great information. But can I make a suggestion? I don't think
this is a discussion that we can really make any progress with now, in
reviewing an incubation proposal. I'm not even sure this is something
that will be within the ambit of the podling or the IPMC to decide.
I agree with you Rob. In a spirit of positivity, I think there are two
useful lessons to draw here that may be good background for the IPMC and the
* First, the /community/ and the /assets/ are
not the same thing, and any discussion that starts from an assumption they
are or can be forced to become so will prove problematic. That's not to say
future unity is impossible, of course. But OOo-the-community is diverse, is
unlikely to all reside at Apache and has a complicated history as well as a
rich future.
* Second, there's a lot we all need to know as we devise a workable future
together. We'll keep discovering things that are rooted deep in the
community's history, and it's better to assume they are a wise and honest
conclusion to an earlier conversation until we discover otherwise.
With that noted I personally would be delighted to draw a line under the
discussion and see the IPMC vote.
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