Good morning,

as most of the discussion happened when I slept, I will give a
summarizinig answer from the top. (With unusally top-posting against
the netiquette)

There are two associations (german: "eingetragener Verein" abbrev. e.V.)

- Team e.V., based in Hamburg. The members are
Sun/Oracle employees and it is handling the marketing budget for the
international marketing. (IBM has already been
mentioned as a donator). They fund travel, T-Shirts, Posters, booth
fees and so on. (Donations from the mentioned page go to them)

- Freies Office Deutchland e.V. (abbrev. FrODeV), whose name was Deutschland e.V. up to spring of this year, based in
Wiesbaden. Members are individuals and companies merely from Germany.
The association has promoted all around in Germany
since years by funding as aboven and by organizing own events as a
congress for Business and Administration beside community events for
QA and general project work. It is also promoting LibreOffice now,
therefore the name has been changed. Donators can tell if the donation
should be spent for a specific project.
Until the TDF is legally founded it is the legal basis for TDF, being
contractor for webhosting, lawsuits etc.


2011/6/8 Dave Fisher <>:
> I started looking around at the OOo website.
> I'm not sure if now is the time to bring this up, but at 
> there is a solicitation for 
> funds via three processes.
> Here's what the page says:
>> Your donation will go directly towards helping this project. Some of the 
>> ways in which your funds might be used include:
>>       • Hiring independent developers to work with
>>       • Paying for participation at trade shows and conferences.
>>       • Paying for organization and staff at annual 
>> Conference, OOoCon.
>>       • Marketing banners, collateral, CDs and brochures.
>> Please discuss the tax benefits of donating with your accountant.
>> You can make a donation to our primary treasury, Team, e.V. 
>> via PayPal or credit card or use bank transfer.
>> Or, if you prefer to donate US dolars (USD) via credit card, cheque or money 
>> order, you can use use Software In the Public Interest, Inc. (SPI), and 
>> simply identify the recipient project,, where indicataed in 
>> the instructions SPI provides: SPI Donations for . (SPI does 
>> not accept PayPal or wire transfers.)
> Clearly there ought to be changes to the page and process when/if the podling 
> happens. This is probably at the ASF Board level... certainly the "hiring 
> developers" part doesn't fit...
> Regards,
> Dave
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Volker Merschmann
Member of The Document Foundation

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