On 02/06/2011 11:39, Florian Effenberger wrote:
I hope you don't mind if I jump in to the discussion.

Thank you for doing so. Speaking as someone outside all the involved communities I'm pleased to hear your voice. I'm not equipped to answer your questions, I'll leave that to people who know the various communities and intentions better.

However, I do have a binding vote here and therefore I have a couple of questions for you:

I seriously doubt that having a separate project, even as incubator,
within the Apache Foundation, would bring benefit for anyone. The
Document Foundation has been working for months not only on shaping a
project, but also on shaping solid grounds to work on, providing the
legal framework, and our open, meritocratic and transparent approach
ensures that anyone -- individuals, organizations and businesses -- can
contribute to the future.

Are the goals of the TDF the same as the goals of this proposal to the Apache Software Foundation.

Specifically "One of our goals with this incubation project will be to rationalize and formalize thje coordination of these upstream and downstream contribution, basing it on the Apache 2.0 license, which should help us disseminate enhancements to the core more easily, since this license is easily consumed by all derivitives, even those with copyleft licenses. " (see the community section of http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/OpenOfficeProposal)

I understand there is a potential licence debate in this question. I'd appreciate it if we could avoid that one (remember the Apache License v2 is, at least one-way, compatible with GPL3). Instead I would like to understand if this technical objective of breaking OOo code into reusable libraries that the various forks can collaborate on, is part of the TDF mission.

A follow up question to this is, again from a technical perspective, is whether you, as a LibreOffice contributor, believe collaboration on core components might be possible in the way described.


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