On 2011-06-01, at 20:18 , Ross Gardler wrote:

> [cc'ing Italo and Louis hopefully they have joined the incubator list 
> already, but just in case]

Thanks. I actually have already joined it.  
So, to the list: Wave of hand signifying hello!

And, again, delighted this is moving ahead transparently and openly.

And I would also underscore that with the proposed placement of OOo core (and 
more?) development within Apache, that a lot of the old problems and procedural 
issues should evaporate as no longer being relevant.

My questions then are absolutely pragmatic and relate—hence the to post—to 
issues not so far discussed:

* Apache Foundation owns the trademark to OOo?
* We at OOo receive lots of requests to use it for mostly good purposes. We 
grant these, with minimal fuss and have set up systems to do that more 
efficiently. With the change in trademark ownership—if?—the situation will 
naturally change. I'd like some clarity on that.

* Similarly, OOo is more than a developer community; it's also a shifting set 
of globally dispersed ecosystems built around the primary application and 
concerned with the usual open source matters—support, education, training, 
services, migration, etc. I've worked hard to help set many of these up, and to 
establish the ecosystems, so that there is a real market for the ODF and OOo, 
as well as its relatives.  What now?

Finally, I'll call a special OpenOffice.org Community Council (what is left of 
it, if any) to go over the quite significant (as in totally tectonic) change. 
We—the OOo community, basically—really do want and even need to understand the 
Quo of the Vadis:  what we are doing henceforth, where we are going.

> On 02/06/2011 01:01, Jim Jagielski wrote:
>> More info re TDF and LOo
>> ----- Forwarded message from Italo 
>> Vignoli<italo.vign...@documentfoundation.org>  -----
>> Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:16:53 +0200
>> From: Italo Vignoli<italo.vign...@documentfoundation.org>
>> Reply-To: italo.vign...@documentfoundation.org
>> To: Jim Jagielski<j...@apache.org>
>> CC: Louis Suarez-Potts<lsuarezpo...@gmail.com>,
>>      Sam Ruby<ru...@apache.org>
>> Subject: Re: OpenOffice and the ASF
> ...
>> I will also read carefully the proposal, and make my comments. I
>> understand that it might still be improved (correct me if I am wrong,
>> because I have had just a few minutes for going through it, and to me
>> it looks incomplete or too succinct in some areas).
> I agree with this and have asked some questions on the general@incubator. The 
> answers seem perfectly reasonable to me (see below to a link to the main 
> response and the rest of the thread). However, I'm not a part of the TDF or 
> LOo communities so please bring your own, more relevant, questions and 
> suggestions to the incubator list.
>> OOo is a very large project with a very large and diverse community.
>> In my opinion, it would be a pity to lose a percentage of this
>> community because the proposal is not inclusive enough).
> +1
> It's worth reading Robs reply to my question about the limited initial 
> committer list. I felt it indicated a level of inclusion that is not yet 
> fully represented in the proposal (other than this is the ASF and thus by 
> definition inclusive). He said:
> "We could have put a much longer list of IBM names on this list, developers 
> familiar with the code base via their work on Lotus Symphony (which is our 
> OpenOffice based project). But then we could have been criticized for the 
> proposal being too dominated by IBM. It is clearly our intent to grow this 
> project, both from our corporate developers, but also by recruiting new 
> members to the project, including developers from related open source 
> projects (see my previous note)" See 
> http://markmail.org/message/qxqplq7rq6nuxorq (the previous note referred to 
> is http://markmail.org/message/esgluawloid64o6r)
> It would be great if you could work with Rob to make the proposal reflect 
> this intention and is, as far as possible, accommodating to the TDF and LOo 
> communities ...
>> I will be away until Sunday, but I will read emails every now and then.
> ... when you get back :-)
> Ross


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