On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Jochen Wiedmann
<jochen.wiedm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> having just published a release of Apache RAT with the "-incubating"
> label, I'd though it is time to discuss the future of RAT. RAT is an
> incubator project since 18 months. It is not an overly busy project:
> The occasional feature request, which is handled, a bug report from
> time to time, and so on. OTOH, it definitely lives: People are
> interested and, what's more, it is very widely adopted by all Java
> projects I am aware of and perhaps even by a few non-Java projects. If
> there will ever be a migration to a new license like ASL 3 or a
> another change of the header policy, then RAT will likely play a very
> important part in the process. Even now, the RAT report is carefully
> studied as part of every release vote. (Funnily, RAT is very rarely
> used to inspect itself, because so far I didn't find a possibility to
> run a previous version of the RAT Maven plugin as part of a build. In
> fact, RAT is the only project I am aware of, which doesn't publish a
> RAT report. :-)
> IMO, RAT could very well leave the incubator. It's 10 or so committers
> [1] are all part of an organization called ASF since years, so you
> might question the diversity, but I don't believe anyone will actually
> do that. ;-) The source code has been developed under ASL and by
> Apache committers right from the start, so licensing was never an
> issue.
> The question is: What's the target? RAT is way too small for an
> independent project. And I cannot imagine anybody of the current
> committers writing board reports. To me, a Rat TLP is no option. So we
> have the second possibility: Put it under the hat of another TLP. The
> only one that comes to my mind is the Apache Commons project.
> But Commons would be an excellent choice: Most, or even all of the RAT
> committers are Commons committers as well. Commons was one of the
> drivers for integration of RAT into every release build. I admit that
> I wouldn't like to change the package name or the Maven group ID
> again, but either Commons developers could accept that exception from
> the rule or I'd force myself to do the required changes.

I would support bringing it into commons.


> Jochen
> [1] http://incubator.apache.org/rat/team-list.html

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