On 6/23/2010 8:12 AM, Bernd Fondermann wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 14:45, ant elder <ant.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> IMHO we should insist on using the incubator naming for the Chukwa
>> website/svn/MLs because I think Chukwa should just go directly to a
>> TLP and if they have to use the incubator naming it may help them
>> decide that the direct to TLP route really is better ;-)
> I see you blinking here, so I guess this is not just for putting up a
> strawman ;-)

Well folks, it's a fun debate and all, but it isn't helping bring this
vote to a conclusion :)

Is anyone in agreement with ant?  Otherwise we should just move ahead
and can hold a separate vote on allowing tlp resource creation at this

If the proposers want (Eric?) a three choice vote, 1. recommend TLP with
guides to help the initial pmc, 2. accept incubating with tlp resource
naming, but -incubating release naming, or 3. accept incubating requiring
all incubator naming conventions, that might help the incubator simplify
this decision.

At this point, I personally guess that 1. might be the most sensible in
terms of resource creation and management; it would simply require the
group to vote for an initial chair/VP.  If they are unsure of their group
yet, perhaps one of the other mentors would offer to serve as their chair
for the first six months, if they rather would do that?

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