On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Bernd Fondermann
<bernd.fonderm...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 07:54, Eric Yang <ey...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
>> Besides DOAP file and the incubator nomenclature, I may need help identify
>> the addition responsibilities for Apache PMC.  One problem, Chukwa community
>> did not have a vote for PMC Chair because we are not sure what is the right
>> process for this.  Meanwhile, I have been writing quarterly report like any
>> other Apache project, only recipient of the report is different.
>> Chukwa releases have been voted by Chukwa community which is similar to
>> Hadoop releases, and managed incremental changes using patches and
>> committers.  Code audit has been performed by the committers to ensure we
>> don't bring in license incompatible libraries into Chukwa.
>> Owen O'Malley had trained us these procedures roughly two years ago, and we
>> have been executing the same process ever since.
> This translate for me into:
> Chukwa didn't have proper oversight by a PMC (a committee that is, not
> a single person) at Hadoop.
> Incubation would fix this using established processes.
> I think this is the right track, and the people involved, including
> the Hadoop PMC, ultimatively did the right thing.
> (Except for not simply growing the Hadoop PMC over time to include
> committers from every product.)
>> Chukwa has a community of exist user base of 35 people.  It would be nice to
>> make Chukwa a special case to skip incubator nomenclature.  This would ease
>> the migration path for the existing Chukwa community.
> Ok with me, at least as far as MLs or SVN are concerned.
> However, Chukwa must be aware that it is changing PMCs from Hadoop to 
> Incubator.
> So different rules might apply, like marking release artifacts as 
> "-incubating".
> Let's gather some more feedback on this.

Most projects that come to incubate would likely prefer to go straight
to the TLP naming.

The last time i recall this came up was here:

IMHO we should insist on using the incubator naming for the Chukwa
website/svn/MLs because I think Chukwa should just go directly to a
TLP and if they have to use the incubator naming it may help them
decide that the direct to TLP route really is better ;-)


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