----- Original Message ----

> From: Niclas Hedhman <nic...@hedhman.org>
> To: general@incubator.apache.org
> Sent: Sat, December 12, 2009 9:42:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] OpenCMIS incubator for Content Mangement  
> Interoperability Services (CMIS)
> The Board has in the past condemned "balkanization" of community, and my
> take on this situation is exactly that.
> This is not "yet another web framework", which often brought forward as
> examples that the ASF encourages competition within. Those typically have a
> different "angle", "approach" or "metaphor", something making each very
> different beasts. But in this case we are talking about "the same spec".
> There is no real distinguishing features and huge overlap of commonality.
> I think this is a NIH-syndrome in play, in the best case "oh we have the
> code working already" and the worst case "we don't like to collaborate with
> them", and there is reason to think that that goes for both sides of the
> fence.
> I want to see Chemistry capable to absorb such contribution and collaborate
> heavily to bring such codebase in.
> And I want to see the people of the OpenCMIS proposal to show that they
> indeed can work with others.
> Exactly how the merged community goes about with the technical integration
> is its own business, but I am worried that the new codebase will not receive
> the welcome I hope, the Chemistry base will dominate, and the OpenCMIS
> proposer get fed up and leaves. Important Mentors understand the risks here,
> and keep eyes extra open for attrition, domination and forceful
> consensus-seeking.
> I think discussion should continue on Chemistry dev@ list. If agreement
> can't be reached there, then I am NOT in favor of incubating OpenCMIS
> separately and will vote -1 to such proposal. I will also form myself an
> opinion of how well Chemistry is trying to collaborate, and it may improve
> or deteriorate its status with me.
> This can become an excellent opportunity for all involved to show off their
> ApacheWay skills

I really wish we would confine ourselves to things we understand, and agree with
Michael that the injection of platitutes or ultimatums does not help things 
When Etch was proposed they didn't even mention Thrift, even tho they both 
have the same goals.  When Doug decided to create Avro instead of participating 
Thrift the board didn't wince, not even a little bit.

If anything it's time for the people behind the OpenCMIS proposal to do more of 
talking, and the people on the IPMC (and in Chemistry IMO) to do less of it.


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