Michael Wechner a écrit :
Emmanuel LŽcharny wrote:
Michael Wechner a écrit :
Stefane Fermigier schrieb:
OK, I personally believe this is in contradiction with the first commandment of the Apache Way:

"*Community over Code* is a frequent saying that exemplifies ASF projects. Community uses Openness and Merit, expressed through Collaborative and Consensus driven work, to build lasting projects that use a Pragmatic License. While a diverse community is a requirement for every ASF project, we also expect people to contribute as Individuals, and wear appropriate Hats."

I cannot see any contradiction. Can you explain where exactly you see the contradiction?

I just grab the description of both projects :

"OpenCMIS will deliver a Java implementation of the OASIS CMIS specification."

"Apache Chemistry is a generic Java language implementation of the upcoming OASIS CMIS specification. "

I barely see how two communities working on two projects with the very same target can't collaborate and form the best possible community to fulfill this target, leveraging the great people from both of the current project...

This is where I see a contradiction : it seems like there is some divergence on the technical side, which is not really the Incubator concern. What is important to us is that a community is built, because it's the guarantee for a long term existence for the project. We don't have the resources and time to setup a darwinian process here :)

I am not sure what exactly you mean with "we", but I would argue that the CMS community out there is rather large and has enough
potential to provide contributors for both projects.

It's up to each incubator project itself to build a healthy community and AFAIK these rules are clear and in particular what it takes to leave the incubator. So either a project will make it or not. I am assuming this is what the incubator is good for, right?

Would the Incubator be a place where projects enter and try to develop and succeed per their technical merit only, I would agree. But it involves people with a limited timeframe (mentors, champion, PMC members), and I feel that it's a bit a waste to see two projects trying to implement the exact same spec unable to collaborate. I mean, both teams most certainly have their own merit, I won't argue this point, but at some point a bit less ego and a bit more collaboration will generate a better result.

I see where Joe is going to with his "let both project get in and let's see which one will survive", I can't help but thinking that beside the rules, there is a spirit which is way more important.

At least, let's try...

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