On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 5:48 PM, Stefane Fermigier <s...@nuxeo.com> wrote:
> ...More seriously, let's not attack each other's conception of open source, 
> and
> focus on the question at hand....


> ...Everyone, member of the open source community or not, is free to start a 
> new
> implementation of an existing piece of software or library. This is a good
> thing when the existing software is in maintenance mode and not evolving
> anymore, or so crufty that a new design is needed, etc. But when we are
> speaking of two young projects, under the umbrella of the same organisation,
> I think this is very wrong....

I'm not involved in Chemistry so speaking from my overall Apache (and
incubator, as a serial mentor of sorts) point of view.

I wouldn't make that as strong ("very wrong") as Stéfane puts it -
having competing projects can be good, but in this case, with a young
technology like CMIS it's probably much better to join forces as
opposed to competing.

Apache is about building communities, and if a strong one can be built
as opposed to two weaker ones that's a big plus.

I like Florent's idea to bring the OpenCMIS code in Chemistry in a
separate tree at first, and factor out the common parts. Having two
parallel implementations in the same project is somewhat unusuall, but
not unheard of - and certainly not a problem for such bleeding edge
stuff, IMHO.


(full disclosure: I work for Day Software and some of my colleagues
are involved in Chemistry)

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