Hi Stefane,

I'm not sure I get your point. If OpenCMIS would become a top level subproject 
within Chemistry (which is what Florent suggested) then those two topics would 
still remain. It would be even worse: Chemistry would then have two client APIs 
which would be really confusing.

The only way to overcome this is to merge the OpenCMIS code into the Chemistry 
code base. But the technical approaches of the projects are so different that 
this might not work - at least not in the short term.

Or is your message that you don't want OpenCMIS code at all on Apache?


-----Original Message-----
From: Stefane Fermigier [mailto:s...@nuxeo.com] 
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 3:52 PM
To: chemistry-...@incubator.apache.org
Cc: Incubator-General
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] OpenCMIS incubator for Content Mangement 
Interoperability Services (CMIS)

Same for me (if I understand your opinion correctly): we shouldn't  
have OpenCMIS competing with a subproject of Chemistry, because it  
will have a negative impact both internally (on project developers)  
and externally (on project customers):

1. Internally: duplication of effort, instead of focussing on  
providing the best possible API.

2. Externally: blurred message, two different API / models to learn.


On Dec 11, 2009, at 2:35 PM, Ugo Cei wrote:

> On Dec 10, 2009, at 4:00 PM, Florent Guillaume wrote:
>> My earlier recommendation to Paul and Florian, and my recommendation
>> today, is that, if incubating is deemed the better choice, OpenCMIS
>> become a top level directory under the Chemistry codebase. The  
>> earlier
>> the two codebases are brought together, the earlier we can start
>> factoring things (and there are quite a few boilerplates in the CMIS
>> spec). IMHO it would also be nice if the high-level APIs could
>> converge, as they are what the Java programmer will see and, when it
>> makes sense, we should reduce confusion.
> Here's my +1 from the peanut gallery. I personally don't find the  
> idea of incubating OpenCMIS appealing at all.
>       Ugo
> -- 
> Ugo Cei
> Sourcesense - making sense of Open Source: http://www.sourcesense.com

Stefane Fermigier, Founder and Chairman, Nuxeo
Open Source, Java EE based, Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
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