Same for me (if I understand your opinion correctly): we shouldn't have OpenCMIS competing with a subproject of Chemistry, because it will have a negative impact both internally (on project developers) and externally (on project customers):

1. Internally: duplication of effort, instead of focussing on providing the best possible API.

2. Externally: blurred message, two different API / models to learn.


On Dec 11, 2009, at 2:35 PM, Ugo Cei wrote:

On Dec 10, 2009, at 4:00 PM, Florent Guillaume wrote:

My earlier recommendation to Paul and Florian, and my recommendation
today, is that, if incubating is deemed the better choice, OpenCMIS
become a top level directory under the Chemistry codebase. The earlier
the two codebases are brought together, the earlier we can start
factoring things (and there are quite a few boilerplates in the CMIS
spec). IMHO it would also be nice if the high-level APIs could
converge, as they are what the Java programmer will see and, when it
makes sense, we should reduce confusion.

Here's my +1 from the peanut gallery. I personally don't find the idea of incubating OpenCMIS appealing at all.


Ugo Cei
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