On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 7:50 AM, Niclas Hedhman<nic...@hedhman.org> wrote: > On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 1:23 PM, Kevan Miller<kevan.mil...@gmail.com> wrote: > >>... What would be the >> benefit for the Aries community of developing these spec implementations at >> Felix? > > Ideally, you have more people taking care of any issues. More > importantly, you need to think outside the project and ask "What would > be the benefit for ASF...?", and IMHO having a complete spec suite > from one place benefits ASF as a whole....
Very much agree with that. Being able to say "OSGi spec implementations happen at Felix, and customizations/application-specific stuff/extensions etc. usually happen in other projects" leads to a clear picture for "customers" of Apache OSGi stuff (and BTW the incubation proposal forgot about Sling apparently - we might use Aries' stuff as well in there). I don't like the idea of having part of the OSGi specs scattered around several projects - as a general rule. Several modules are now at Felix that were initially developed by the communities of other projects (ServiceMix, Slng, ACE), and moved to Felix once recognized as being "of general interest to OSGi users" - I think that's a very good model both for ASF insiders and outsiders. Several projects in the history of the ASF have granted commit access to committers of other projects on parts of their codebase. That wouldn't be a new thing. Forrest committers, for example, have commit rights on Cocoon, but they're expected to ask before changing stuff in there, to make sure Cocoon folks know what's going on. That works well, IMHO, and maybe Felix could similarly open parts of their codebase to other OSGi-related projects, with the same convention of "just let us know before making changes in there" and "make sure you're following our dev list". I know such issues can be discussed during incubation, not necessarily before the podling is accepted, but the fact that (AFAIK) no contact was made with the Felix project before creating the Aries proposal is very disturbing - so IMHO we should rather clarify this before accepting the podling. Maybe simply saying "modules that implement OSGi specs, or that are of general interest to OSGi users, will be moved to the Felix project, as much as possible" in the Aries proposal would help. That should be true for any project doing OSGi at Apache anyway, and I think the other projects mentioned above are working like that, which is a Good Thing, I'm very happy to see Guillaume as a mentor for Aries, that will hopefully help in building bridges between Felix and Aries. -Bertrand --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org