On Aug 19, 2009, at 11:17 AM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
----- Original Message ----
From: Ted Leung <twle...@sauria.com>
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:06:08 PM
Subject: Re: Making up policy on the fly
On Aug 19, 2009, at 10:49 AM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
when we can't even agree / document what that *right* way is.
We who? Robert has done an outstanding job of documenting what
the right
way is. The only people who can't agree to it are people who
refuse to
acknowledge his work on this issue. Frankly looking at the commit
to releasemanagement.xml I could care less what their opinion is-
had years to express it in that document and utterly failed to do
I agree that Robert has done an outstanding job of documenting the
right way.
But in the days long cassandra thread that sparked this one, no one
ever brought
up that URL that Craig finally dug up yesterday.
Why do we need someone to dig up a URL to believe what
infrastructure people have
been saying consistently? If we tell you something is best-
practice, why do *we*
have to defend ourselves? Why aren't the people on the IPMC
actually *required* to
read /dev/release.html as a precondition to being put on this PMC?
Shouldn't people
*know* what the actual position of the foundation is before running
around casting
foundation votes?
As far as I know, the only condition to being put on this PMC is that
a member ask to be added. We don't have any kind of criteria to be
on the PMC. If you think that we need some additional policy for
that, be my guest. As far as infrastructure people needing to defend
themselves: This PMC operates by quoting written ASF policy to
podlings so that the podlings can do the *right* thing. It's not a
matter of questioning you or anyone else on infrastructure. What we
tell people is "there are rules here". If we want to be known as a
fair, level-playing-field organization, those rules need to be written
down. This PMC is a major part of our interface to the rest of the
world. That face should be fair, consistent, repeatable, and as free
of frustration and controversy as possible.
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