On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 6:32 PM, Torsten Curdt <tcu...@apache.org> wrote:
> Well, the point is: we are  talking about small libraries.
> Imagine there is library X which was developed by only 2 developers.
> They want to bring this code to Commons. What to do? IP clearance is
> one thing. But what about the 2 developers? Just make them committers
> while they have no clue about Apache? Doesn't sound like a good idea.
> Just accepting their code and make them send patches until we feel
> they are ready? Feels not appropriate since they are the authors of
> the code. On the other hand going through the "normal" incubator is a
> bit over the top for a project that is so small that it is not
> targeting to become it's own project. Building a community is not
> really that applicable in this case. It's rather about integrating it
> into an existing community.

Careful now, you are sinking your own proposal with your arguments.

1. The proposal says that there is no need to build a community, since
the entire Commons community is there to make sure everything is Ok.

2. You say that you can't just make them committers, insinuating that
the Commons community will NOT be there to make sure everything is Ok.

Either there is a community in Commons, or there is not. If the
latter, then normal Incubation is the way forward.

IMHO, the Commons community MUST step up and be the oversight
required, i.e. train the committers as well as assist in releases and
make sure that the legal oversight is in place. IFF that can be
assured, _I_ see no problems at all making people committers out of a
'bulk contribution'. IF it can NOT be assured, and each subproject is
left on its own, then Commons have a larger problem...
And, if you so decide, you can always stick things into the sandbox
first and make sure that people behave, that legal requirements are in
place and what not, before making the final step.

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
http://www.qi4j.org - New Energy for Java

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