Note: Resending due to my having neglected the [PROPOSAL] subject line earlier.


Commons Incubator Proposal


The Commons Incubator would act as a "perpetual podling" or "mini-Incubator" 
overseeing the influx of components to be adopted into Apache Commons.


Apache Commons, a conglomerate of smallish Java libraries, lacks a good 
procedure for importing preexisting codebases.


  The typical ASF top-level project (TLP) absorbs code donations by means of a 
software grant.  Clearly delineated subprojects (usually partially or 
completely dependent on the TLP) often enter instead through the Incubator.  
Commons, as a project that has no code other than that of its subprojects, is 
essentially a microcosm of the ASF itself.  Commons has long offered a
sandbox area for the development of new ideas, similar to the approach now 
taken in Apache Labs.  With regard to the creation of new subprojects from 
preexisting codebases, however, the PMC is in agreement that procedures similar 
to those in practice in the ASF Incubator are more appropriate
than the software grant approach, given that the Incubator has already 
formalized much the same process as would need to be taken to guarantee the 
acceptability of donated code.  Unfortunately the processes of the Incubator 
proper are not a perfect fit.

  With regard to community exit requirements, a typical podling requires a 
heterogenous community of three or more developers.  Commons is an open 
community in the sense that all Commons committers have karma to all 
components, thus any component to graduate into Commons proper inherits an 
existing, diverse community.  This greatly mitigates any component's risk of 
orphanhood.  The PMC envisions Commons' incubator space as functioning in a 
manner similar to that in which its development sandbox currently operates:  
all ASF committers are welcome to participate in the Commons sandbox, and would 
be welcome to contribute to incubating components, subject to a natural 
consensus-building process.  Active contributors to graduating components would 
be accepted into the project as full Commons committers with shared karma.

  Another aspect of existing Incubator practices that is suboptimal for 
Commons' requirements is the fact that, a Commons component being a relatively 
small entity, it is difficult to justify expending the
same effort to set one up as would typically be required for a normal-sized 
podling.  For this reason it would be advantageous to keep incubating Commons 
components under a single Subversion tree, and as subcomponents of a single 
JIRA project.  Finally, the existing Commons communications lists could be 
utilized.  Component setup would thus be minimal.

  Having established that setting up a Commons Incubator separate from the 
Apache Incubator would be counterproductive and quite a duplication of effort, 
Commons would like to see established on its behalf a "special case" podling or 
miniature Incubator whose exit criteria parallel those Commons uses to gauge 
the propriety of a sandbox component's promotion to "proper" status, namely:

  * The component is ready for its first ASF release.
  * At least three people are available for development/maintenance.
  * All Incubator legal checks have been passed.


  Prove/hone the Commons Incubator approach on several candidates that have 
been proposed as new Apache Commons subprojects, and for which a PMC vote 
indicates willingness to incubate.


  (Applicable at incubating component level)



Core Developers:



  (Where applicable, at incubating component level)

Orphaned Products:


Inexperience with Open Source:

Homogenous Developers:


Reliance on Salaried Developers:


No Ties to Other Apache Products:

A Fascination with the Apache Brand:


  (Applicable at incubating component level)


  (Applicable at incubating component level)

  Optimally any non-optional dependencies for Commons components will be other 
  components.  Failing that, normal ASF third-party licensing policies to be 


Mailing Lists:
  Commons lists

Subversion Directory:
  Umbrella under Commons or Incubator

Issue Tracking:
  JIRA project with subcomponents to be managed by Mentors a la Commons Sandbox


  (Applicable at incubating component level)


  (Applicable at incubating component level)


Champion:  Henri Yandell

Nominated Mentors:  Henri Yandell, Matt Benson(, need volunteer/s)

Sponsoring Entity:  Commons PMC

April 9, 2009


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