On Nov 3, 2008, at 4:53 PM, Niall Pemberton wrote:

I haven't been following CouchDB but a PMC of five seems small - you
only have to loose a couple of people and you're on the verge of not
being a viable project. I took a look through the lists and from what
I can see CouchDB entered incubation with four committers in February
(the proposal listed six, but apparently was a mistake[1]) and has
added one new person just over a month ago[2].

As far as I know we don't have a quota on the minimum size of a community, other than the 3 +1's required to do a release. I know that we have some numerical metrics around incubation/graduation (notably the diversity requirement), but those are always intended to be applied in conjunction with an actual examination of the community. Could you please take some time to check the archives and see if your concerns still apply?



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