
On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 9:40 PM, Matthieu Riou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Jukka Zitting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> That person would already have seen the incubating web site, the
>> release notes and most likely also the README, all of which come with
>> our disclaimers.
> If it came from central? Unlikely. He/she would probably get it from another
> source transitively.
The artifact might already be downloaded to the local repository, but
how would this person know to want to add that <dependency/> to
project B without already knowing about the incubating project?

Just as easily one can come up with the unlikely scenario of project A
copying a dependency jar from another Ant project without finding out
more about that jar. What's the difference?

> Just take it the other way around. If we push all our releases to central,
> why would we still have the disclaimer on our release page? It's not
> coherent.

People don't just browse the central repository and decide "this jar
file looks cool, I'll add a dependency to it". They find the project
through some other means, normally through the website and decide to
add the dependency by that information.

Anyway, if (as you say) the problem is with the developer who adds the
dependency to project B and not with the users of project B, then I
believe there are a number of alternative solutions (putting the
disclaimer inside the POM, etc.) that should better address your
concerns. So far my understanding has been that the main concern is
about the users of project B!


Jukka Zitting

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