Grant is right.  Others were making the point about Debian.  I was making a 
point about it being an overly generic English word.  The former may be a short 
term problem, the latter a very long term one.  If changing the name is such a 
problem (work) then...

I, too, like the name Etch, it's just that it's an English word, plus there are 
several other products with "Etch" in their name.

----- Original Message ----
> From: Grant Ingersoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Friday, August 8, 2008 6:28:23 AM
> Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] Etch
> On Aug 8, 2008, at 4:28 AM, James Dixson (jadixson) wrote:
> > Simple put: a name change is work. Before I can accept the need to do
> > work, I want to clearly understand the benefits of doing it.
> >
> > Etch, while new to open-source, does have some awareness in a  
> > technical
> > community ( ). We have been  
> > publicly
> > pitching and distributing etch in our community for several months  
> > now.
> > People have been using the technology and for our current community  
> > Etch
> > != Debian. Granted, a couple of months is a short amount of time,  
> > but it
> > is something. Imposing a name change on our current community, with  
> > the
> > reasoning that the future community, would be unable to differentiate
> > between "Apache Etch" and the etch release Debian, would be  
> > disruptive.
> I don't think the argument is necessarily that the future community  
> can't distinguish between Apache Etch and Debian, I think the argument  
> is that the future community won't be able to find it, period, which  
> means the future community may well be smaller than it would be w/ a  
> more distinctive name.
> Put it this way, you search for Hadoop, the top 10 on Google is all  
> Apache Hadoop.  You search for Etch and you will be lucky to crack the  
> top 10, me thinks, but who knows maybe you'll get enough rank to  
> displace the Etch-a-Sketch and it will be a non-issue.
> Of course, the work thing I understand, too, although it seems like a  
> global search and replace wouldn't be that bad.  You also certainly  
> could change it over time, even after being accepted into incubation,  
> I think, just as long as it's done before first release.
> FWIW, I like the name Etch :-)
> -Grant 
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