Martijn Dashorst wrote:
No, committers *don't* have binding votes:

Binding Votes

Who is permitted to vote is, to some extent, a community-specific
thing. However, the basic rule is that only PMC members have binding
votes, and all others are either discouraged from voting (to keep the
noise down) or else have their votes considered of an indicative or
advisory nature only.

Hmmm... this is the first and only time I've seen a policy statement
that discourages active contributors from casting a(n advisory) vote
when they've reviewed the contribution/release/etc etc.

I personally think it's counterproductive advise; those who are active
continuously, bother to submit patches, solve bugs, cast votes and are
generally responsive on list are usually the ones who should be considered
to grow the community as new PMC members.

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