On 3/25/08, Rajith Attapattu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  we had the following folks who made large contributions.
> Colin Crist (Hermes integration / use cases)
>  Tomas Restrepo (.NET)
> Kevin Smith (TLS)
>  Bupendra (Mgt console)
>  Tomas who was voted in as a committer has mentioned his interest in helping
>  with the .NET client again.
>  We have Josk Krammer and Steve Hutson who is engaging the list with the
>  intetion of providing some good contributions (which I am sure will result
>  in comittership, given the work they have proposed). These folks seems to
>  have customers interested in the features they are trying to implement, so I
>  expect a more close relationship from them with Qpid.

It is not a question of who is active on the list, but how the
PMC/committership looks like at graduation. All the names you supplied
are *not* on the PMC, and therefore don't count for the diversity

The issue is not if there are enough users that contribute something,
but whether the QPid community (PPMC) is capable of growing to a
diverse community, i.e. a diverse PMC.


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