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If you take a step back and think about it...this process has been like "pulling 
teeth". Don't you think there's room
for all the folks on Qpid to be more open and forthcoming given this experience?


Carl Trieloff wrote:
| Rupert Smith wrote:
|> Hi Daniel,
|> Don't forget about me. I am a currently active Qpid committer and not
|> an employee of either RedHat
|> or JPMC. I am an independent consultant who operates through a company
|> called The Badger Sett Ltd.
|> and all my contributions to Qpid thus far have been completely
|> 'legally' independent of the dominant
|> parties.
|> Seems I never made it onto the 0-10 credits page, but that is because
|> I have still not found the
|> time to fully read and provide feedback on it, as interesting as it
|> looks.
|> Rupert
|> On Friday 21 March 2008, Paul Fremantle wrote:
|>> Yoav
|>> I have to say I think you have given a very good analysis. I think
|>> that QPid has come a huge way towards Apacheness. Diversity is not as
|>> great as it could be but meets the Incubator criteria.
|> Huh?  The graduation guide says "there are at least 3 legally independent
|> committers" and I don't see that with Qpid.
| Dan,
| I think it has been proved that there are at least 3 legally independent
| committers - please
| can you revise your statement and/or vote.
| regards,
| Carl.
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