Jeremy Boynes wrote:
On Feb 3, 2008, at 5:31 PM, Paul Fremantle wrote:
Meeraj, Jeremy
Please read my note again. At no point did I say or imply that BEA led
anything. The only thing I said about BEA was:
"the two companies who couldn't agree to do it together in Tuscany".
Is there anything incorrect about that statement? I'm willing to be
corrected if I'm wrong.
Paul, I was responding to the general theme. Comments on this thread
have included "The BEA committers left Tuscany and created a fork
elsewhere" and "BEA pulls off and starts a fork." I have heard it said
elsewhere as well that BEA forked Tuscany and I just want to try and
dispel that meme - if anything, Jim from BEA was more hesitant about
splitting than Meeraj and I (who don't work for BEA and never have).
It wasn't the companies who couldn't agree - it was the individuals.
I agree with Jeremy and Meeraj that this was about individuals rather
than companies. Given this, I don't see any reason to presume that
a different group of individuals from BEA and IBM wouldn't be able to
work together successfully on another project.
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