Hi Niclas,

Thanks for your +1 vote, but most of all for your time.

This now gives me:

+1 from Erik Hatcher
+1 From Niclas Hedhman
+0 from Robert Burrell Donkin

I still need 1 more +1 to get this release out.  Can at least one other PMC
member review this release please?

> Personally, I think the project is suffering from a 
> chicken-egg problem. 

This is true.  Recently, there has been some interest from folks who want to
get on and start contributing.  Lets hope this holds.  The good bit is that
there is a good user base community and Lucene.Net is not only recognized
but is being used in production out in the field.  An official release, more
publicity should help, *AND* we need to start thinking about how ASF can
help too should give Lucene.Net a new start.  ASF folks voting on a release,
in a timely fashion, is a good start.

> I am also pleased to see that the many remarks in the first 
> round has been attended to promptly. 
> However, there are 2 more subsystems in "contrib/" and the 
> first file I checked "Similarity.Net/AssemblyInfo.cs" didn't 
> have the Apache License header, but others did. I did not 

"AssemblyInfo.cs" is an auto generated file; we discussed those in first
release attempt.

> perform an exhaustive check. I would be interested to here 
> how come "so much" gets added between two reviews of a release 2.0.

The only changes between build 4 and build 3, is:
1) Build 4 added the correct copy right header and files
2) Build 4 added 1 new ported project to "contrib", Similarity.Net.  This
wasn't ready in time for the first vote but was for the second.

> But I think those are minor enough to get my +1 for this release.

Much appreciated; thanks.


-- George

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