As I understand it, once the proposal is accepted, the Mentors listed on the proposal become IPMC members. Once the proposal is accepted, and the group becomes a podling, then, yes, all Mentors and IPMC Members.
But, in order to be listed on a proposal, AFAIK, a Mentor does not need to be a pre-existing IPMC member. The question is what prerequisites do we expect of Mentors who are listed on proposals that have not yet been accepted by the IPMC. ASF Members? ASF Committers? Human? Sapient being? Carbon-based lifeform? Mentoring a podling is one way to become an IPMC member. Another way is to be installed by the IPMC directly, like any other ASF project. I would suggest that the IPMC can vote anyone onto the PMC, just like any other ASF project. As to a podling proposal, I would suggest that we expect all Mentors be ASF Members or IPMC Members. If someone would like to be a Mentor but is not already a ASF Member, we could always elect that person to the IPMC first, and then accept the proposal. -Ted. On 4/8/07, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I see that I've already commented on this thread without replying. ;-) To continue, a Mentor is a member of the Incubator PMC "who will guide the Candidate through the Incubation Process." Key point being an Incubator PMC Member. If I recall correctly, the reason for the "at least one" clause was because a small minority objected to non-ASF Members. I'm sure that the discussions are archived. The rest is a question regarding PMC membership. We've had non-ASF Members elected as Incubator PMC Members, and any ASF Member is entitled to Incubator PMC Membership. --- Noel --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- HTH, Ted <> --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]