Martijn Dashorst wrote: > > Jochen Wiedmann wrote: > > > My personal opinion is that an "incubator" in the groupId or > > > artifactId would be more than sufficient to mark the Incubator status > The version attribute is more appropriate IMO, and what was agreed > upon in an earlier thread on this list.
As I understand it, so please correct me if I am wrong, if I download a program that builds using Maven, and it has dependencies in its pom.xml on Incubator artifiacts, then if Incubator artifacts are conflated with ASF artifacts, then when I built the program, it will automatically download the Incubator artifacts from the repository without my being aware of the dependency. However, if the Incubator artifacts are segregated into a separate repository, then Maven will not download them until I, the downstream user, add that repository to Maven. Is that correct or incorrect? --- Noel --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]