On 1/6/07, Chris Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


A project (Project A) is set up on Source Forge by
individuals as the only legal entities.  Project A is
setup under the Apache License V2.  What would Project
A need to do beforehand to ensure that all code
committed to Project A's SVN is available for an
existing ASF project to incorporate into it's code
base in  the following scenarios:

1) ASF committer incorporates code from Project A
directly into the ASF project
2) Member of Project A submits a patch file to the
JIRA of the ASF project
3) Non Member of Project A submits patch file from
Project A to the JIRA of the ASF project.


(trying to tie together what others have said)

any code which is not originally created for apache by a contributor
needs to be cleared through the incubator. this usually means a
software grant.

i'm not sure that membership of the project is relevant: what matters
is copyright ownership (or at least the right to sign a software
grant). so,

1 code is imported by a committer without a software grant
2 the copyright owner grants apache the required license to the code
3 mistakenly a contributor submits a patch to which they do not have
the required license

importing source without a software grant is a PITA. given compatible
licensing, it's probably better not to fork the source and use a
binary dependency. only apache projects can safely use the current
license header. when imported the source, this header and copyright
information *must* be preserved. the contents of the NOTICE also need
to be preserved.

software grants are much better for apache. this makes everything much easier.

one approach would be for you to collect the required permissions from
the contributors to the project as you go along: just ask people to
FAX you (needs to be a hard copy) the required documents. you'd then
have permission for any work to be imported via a software grant.

if this sounds like a good approach, i'll try to set some wheels in motion...

- robert

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