On Jan 6, 2007, at 10:42 AM, Chris Howe wrote:
I am currently in the process of setting up a project
that will hopefully complement the Apache Open for
Business Project and help get some community newbies
down the learning curve a bit faster than is currently
possible with the tools available within the ASF.


A project (Project A) is set up on Source Forge by
individuals as the only legal entities.  Project A is
setup under the Apache License V2.  What would Project
A need to do beforehand to ensure that all code
committed to Project A's SVN is available for an
existing ASF project to incorporate into it's code
base in  the following scenarios:

1) ASF committer incorporates code from Project A
directly into the ASF project
2) Member of Project A submits a patch file to the
JIRA of the ASF project
3) Non Member of Project A submits patch file from
Project A to the JIRA of the ASF project.

IANAL, but am pretty sure I'm right :)

#2 is fine in any and all cases, as far as the ASF is concerned -- for #2, the responsibility is on the member of Project A to ensure he can contribute the patch (ie, normally, any IP rights on the patch should be his only, and he asserts so by contributing). Our jira config requires this for any attachment. It is best if this member of Project A contributes the patch under a CLA. The ASF project doesn't need to do anything special. Note this should only be done for small patches.

#1 and #3 are scenarios that are hairy, complicated, harder to audit, and, hence, discouraged.

Instead, it is better to follow one of these two scenarios:

4) Project A releases a source and binary distribution (probably as a .jar) which can be used directly from the ASF project. The ASF project adds information in the LICENSE file about the dependency, and doesn't need to do anything else. Project A releases early and often and incorporates patches from the ASF project's committers promptly.

5) an ASF project does not want to do #4, so all the developers on Project A sign a CLA and a code grant for a sizeable chunk of the Project A source. The ASF project follows the incubator's "IP clearance" process.

The main advantage is that both #4 and #5 are easy, documented, tested, and done often in practice. #1,#3 are possible too, but the responsibility to get all the details right lies with Project A's PMC, and its much more difficult to get them right than to follow either #2 or #5.


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