I am currently in the process of setting up a project that will hopefully complement the Apache Open for Business Project and help get some community newbies down the learning curve a bit faster than is currently possible with the tools available within the ASF. I have been very clear that the project is in no way related, endorsed, etc by the ASF. At the same time many of the solutions developed in the project will likely be of benefit to the Apache OFBiz Project. I want to be sure that a committer has the ability to utilize a solution at their discretion without jumping through legal hurdles. If I could get an answer to the following scenario and questions, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
Scenario: A project (Project A) is set up on Source Forge by individuals as the only legal entities. Project A is setup under the Apache License V2. What would Project A need to do beforehand to ensure that all code committed to Project A's SVN is available for an existing ASF project to incorporate into it's code base in the following scenarios: 1) ASF committer incorporates code from Project A directly into the ASF project 2) Member of Project A submits a patch file to the JIRA of the ASF project 3) Non Member of Project A submits patch file from Project A to the JIRA of the ASF project. Thanks! --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]