On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 03:22:36PM -0400, Newcomer, Eric wrote:
> I do not think there has been any piling on.  We reviewed each name on
> the list carefully and a name only went on the list if we were convinced
> that the individual had either (1) contributed previously to either
> Celtix or Xfire or (2) expressed a genuine, specific interest in a
> potential contribution of value to the new project.
People that really do fall under (1) should be fine, but I can't get my
head around why you think that sticking the people in (2) on the
proposal should be fine. Let them show merit like any real committer
would by contributing to the project and then hold a vote.
In fact, (2) reeks of stacking the deck to gain the upper hand by
putting enough people on the project to have a majority vote. (and yes,
I really wish that the people who sit on proof that this has already
happened would make it public).


Mads Toftum

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