On 10/1/06, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Taken from the "Problem with commit rights on Celtixfire" thread:

 - The Incubator PMC sets the Mentors, who form the initial PPMC
 - The PPMC (Mentors) elects additional PPMC members
 - The PPMC elects Committers

This also implies changing the proposal's initial committers list to
something suggestive not binding, allowing the the Mentors review and vote
on comitters.

So far, as responses we have:

    Noel J. Bergman
    Mads Toftum
    Henri Yandell
    Davanum Srinivas
    Jason Van Zyl
    Robert Burrell Donkin

-1 from me.

I agree with what Justin and Jim said and I don't see how having just
the mentors decide improves scrutiny over having them in the proposal
and giving the whole Incubator PMC the opportunity to express an

If a proposal comes with a long list of proposed committers or people
"piling on" - then its more likely to cause objections if its been
scrutinized by a wider audience than omitting the information from the
proposal and leaving it to the mentors to sort out.


Justin has raised a concern that we not create an unfair or insulting
barrier existing, active. committers on communities joining the ASF.  Robert
and I have independently expressed our views that this won't do so.

Since we've discussed almost this exact proposal in the past, I'll try to
get some time Monday or Tuesday to dig up any past objections, unless
someone beats me to it.

        --- Noel

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