Roy T. Fielding wrote:

> Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > Taken from the "Problem with commit rights on Celtixfire" thread:
> >
> >  - The Incubator PMC sets the Mentors, who form the initial PPMC
> >  - The PPMC (Mentors) elects additional PPMC members
> >  - The PPMC elects Committers
> >
> > This also implies changing the proposal's initial committers list to
> > something suggestive not binding, allowing the the Mentors review
> > and vote on comitters.

> -1.  Of the people participating in a new project, the Mentors are the
> least capable of selecting a PPMC.  They generally know nothing about
> the code or the community, but rather know how to get things done at
> Apache.  The Incubator PMC is even less able than that when it comes
> to selecting Mentors in the first place.

But the Mentors have the only binding votes, as PMC Members.  And this is
why the process includes:

  - The PPMC (Mentors) elects additional PPMC members

And from where do they get such?  FROM THE INCOMING COMMUNITY, of course!
And from where do they, we, or anyone, find out who is active?  From the
people they've just selected to help manage the project.

You are missing the point that the entirely simple process outlined is
nothing more than a mechanism.  The policy that drives it is another matter
entirely, and we all expect that the polices should be proper, open, and in
the ASF spirit.

> The people listed in the proposal as committers are the PPMC.  If some
> project allows too many people to jump on the proposal at the beginning
> in order to make the proposal look better to Apache, then they are stuck
> with the results.

How do they stop them from piling on?  Should I got dig up your complaints
about people piling onto projects?  Or everyone else's?

        --- Noel

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