Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

On 10/1/06, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I disagree.  You're conflating process with application of process, and
stating as assured a case when your fellow PMC Members would act in a
you find offensive.

Why would the PMC not elect "the people who contributed it further

We've seen an example of this with Celtixfire. So far, we're waiting for an
explanation (as those discussions did not occur in a place where the
Incubator PMC could provide any oversight), but the aggrieved parties
believe they have been barred access to a project they felt they contributed

So, I don't believe this situation isn't a hypothetical at all. -- justin

It seems to me that this is the reverse actually - committers were approved, and then the PMC revoked their rights. However, this is just inference on my part so far.

- Dan

Dan Diephouse
(616) 971-2053
Envoi Solutions LLC

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