On Jul 24, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Carl Trieloff wrote:

The synapse ones are clearly software though... At this point I am not trying to argue to use or non-use of a name. Just understand how does Apache deals with this.

If a trademark appears to be infringed, the project and all of its releases
will be terminated until such time as the infringement is fixed.

Generally speaking, it is a requirement on proposals that the name be
free of existing trademark claims.  As I said, there are a lot of claims
on Blaze and, even though I only looked at the first page of the list,
I did find one registered mark for use with web software (on-line
gaming, in particular, which is an industry fond of suing people over
apparent infringement).  Adding "Apache" to the name does not change
anything, for the same reason that we cannot release "Apache Windows".

The rule at Apache is that, unless we have prior use, avoid a name
that is already registered. Whether or not someone else did the homework
for Synapse is another matter that will likely be brought up with that
project before it is allowed to graduate.


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