On 7/17/06, Dave Irving <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Trustin Lee wrote:
> One possibility though could be that MINA HTTP codec provides only
> and decoder implementation for HTTP messages and AsyncWeb is built on
> of
> it to provide more tighter integration with existing webapp frameworks
> more HTTP-friently asynchronous APIs.  Yep, this is just an imagination
> my brain.  We can talk about this step by step.

One of the main goals of asyncweb is to provide maximum flexibility when
dealing with http services - to satisfy a wide range of usage scenarios.
Even though there is still much to do, in the future it will be possible
hook in to all stages of the message reading / writing processes. This
allows things like proper (application level) handling of continuation
responses, async streaming of large message bodies etc.
So I think in the future the asyncweb API is likely to become more generic
and flexible to allow the best possible integration with any application
requiring high throughput http (e.g, web service frameworks etc).

It makes total sense.  I'd love to see everything becomes real, though we
need to draw a line between generalization and specialization when we
generalize AsyncWeb because MINA already has its role to provide a generic
network application framework.

Of course, if this is possible to achieve whilst factoring out and building
upon some lower level http codecs, then that would be awseome!
I guess the details of such a refactoring will become more obvious over
after we integrate.

Yes, that's my point.  We will see as we integrate.  I believe this is the
Apache way a community grows up healthy, sound and sustainable, like a
bottle of great wine.

what we call human nature is actually human habit
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