On 7/24/06, Leo Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Of course the bridge from async to servlets is the really difficult part! (which is why we should do away with servlets *ducks*)
I'm ducking with you Leo! Doing away with servlets is fine by me. AsyncWeb with MINA's underlying architecture is IMO a great place to start. In fact, my goal is to influence OSGi to remove the servlet-centricity of it's HttpService in the R5 version of the specification. But that's a discussion for another time. Back to AsyncWeb... A VERY big +1 from me. I've been involved with AsyncWeb with Dave and Alex and Trustin over at Safehaus, and I'm highly interested in continuing to be part of the project's initial community at the ASF. Thanks Peter, for getting this ball rolling, and thanks to Jim and Paul for supporting us! -- timothy bennett