On 7/17/06, peter royal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jul 17, 2006, at 5:31 AM, Dave Irving wrote:
> One thing I would like to discuss though is identity....
> AsyncWeb currently has some form of identity in its own right as a
> project
> (and is already bundled as a standalone http transport in a couple
> of OSS
> projects). Is this likely to be affected by a move to a Mina TLP?
> E.g, Mina
> currently has its own identity within the Directory project. Are we
> talking
> about a similar set up here?

I was thinking of a similar relationship to MINA and Directory..
AsyncWeb would *not* be renamed MINA HTTP.

AsyncWeb is a great name.  Why should we rename it? :)

One possibility though could be that MINA HTTP codec provides only encoder
and decoder implementation for HTTP messages and AsyncWeb is built on top of
it to provide more tighter integration with existing webapp frameworks and
more HTTP-friently asynchronous APIs.  Yep, this is just an imagination in
my brain.  We can talk about this step by step.

what we call human nature is actually human habit
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