Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
On 7/14/06, Dave Irving <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
We probably need to check up on that one. The project was released to
Safehaus way back in Feb, and has been developed there since. However, I
developed the original source code at my place of work, so I guess I may
need a clearence form or something? My employers are happy to sign any
clearence forms if they are still required.
Obtaining a software grant from your employer is a start. If anyone
else contributed any patches and that person doesn't have an iCLA on
file with us, then they need to sign the iCLA and submit it to us.
Everyone else that has been working with Dave is already an ASF
committer with a CLA on file at the ASF:
Trustin Lee
Dan Diephouse
Alex Karasulu
Yes let's get that software grant and a CLA from you Dave. Considering
the constituents of the project at safehaus we might be able to take up
Justin's earlier suggestion to possibly import the project: moving the
source, doco (confluence) and jira issues all at once to the ASF.
Also note that there are no dependencies except on MINA.
One thing which would be good to discuss still I think is location:
E.g, are
we proposing to bring AsyncWeb within Mina, or as a separate incubating
I understood Peter's suggestion to be to bring AsyncWeb under Mina. --
Why don't we start the process of importing the project into Directory
for now as a MINA protocol example and get the MINA TLP proposal before
the board. With the move of MINA (and AsyncWeb) out of Directory,
AsyncWeb will be under a MINA TLP.
Or do you still see incubation as being necessary for AsyncWeb even
after getting a Grant and CLA from Dave?
I'm asking these questions because then it will effect the way we write
the MINA proposal and whether or not we have to submit one for AsyncWeb.
How do we determine if this is a "boundry case" (quoting Noel's email)
for import rather than incubation?
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