Ok, it's good that we don't have to switch to Maven - I think we would need some time 
to set that up...

If we have to move bug/issue-tracker, mailing lists... what about the existing issues, 
bugs and mails? There is quite some amount in the systems, is there some easy way you 
guys know of the get them over from sourceforge to the respective tools used for that 
by the ASF?

Or is the recommended thing to do to drive in parallel for some time?


-----Original Message-----
From: Noel J. Bergman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 7:21 PM
Subject: RE: Anyone wants to incubate MyFaces?

James Holmes wrote:
> My guess is that it would be best served as a sub-project of Jakarta

Well, I think that Jakarta has enough on its plate, and wouldn't necessarily favor 
adding a cohesive community into that maelstrom.  But that is something that can be 
determined later, when the project is ready to leave the Incubator.

> are all we waiting on is a formal license adoption from all of the 
> current MyFaces committers to get started?

They are voting on that, but we (the Incubator PMC) will also need to hold a vote to 
accept the project for Incubation, now that we can see clear interest from multiple 
ASF folks willing to help.

Martin Marinschek wrote:
> Another question - what do we have to change regarding project 
> infrastructure to enter the incubator/ and later to be a project? Do 
> we have to embrace Maven or can we somehow ship around this?

The project's infrastructure (lists, source control, issue tracking) would be moved to 
the ASF.  No, you do not have to embrace Maven.  Ant, which you seem to be using, is 
just fine.

        --- Noel

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