I certainly understand your concern here, Martin.  According to our
current Incubator policy document 
for an incubating project to create a release:

1. the release archive MUST contain the word "incubating" in the 
filename; and 

2. the release archive MUST contain an Incubation disclaimer, 
clearly visible in the main documentation or README file.  
(the disclaimer text can be found at 

With these two basic requirements met, the Incubator PMC must still 
vote to approve the release, but as you can see from the currently 
running vote on the Lenya 1.2 distribution, most PMC members agree 
with the making it easy for new projects to release early and often.
There's also a structure called a PPMC that will allow one vote to
cover all project committers plus the Incubator PMC.

So, while I don't think it could quite be considered "a right", I 
don't think you will have a problem with this if you follow the two
basic requirements and, of course, ensure that all intellectual 
property in the distribution is properly licensed.

Should you end up at Apache, I'd be happy to help you with any of
these release process issues.


Marinschek Martin wrote on Thursday, June 17, 2004 2:50 PM:

> Ok, I have started filling out the proposal and requested some help
> from the other MyFaces-members, maybe we will need some more time to
> polish it up, but it should be not too bad at the moment; however, I
> have left out the technical stuff so far.   
> Another question: The release policy is causing me headaches - as
> soon as we enter incubation, we are not allowed to release anymore
> except on "permission"; but our policy has always been to release
> early and often - what could we do about that, given that incubation
> time could last for some time and we had two releases (1.0.3 and
> 1.0.4) last month? Would that permission be a thing we would have to
> fight for or almost a "granted right" ;) - if we otherwise keep to
> the rules? If it is not, I am sure there will be some frictions
> coming up...        
> Best regards,
> Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Noel J. Bergman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 8:40 PM
> Subject: RE: Anyone wants to incubate MyFaces?
> Martin,
> Please see http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/BeehiveProposal as a
> model, and prepare a similar one for MyFaces.  It appears that there
> is sufficient interest, and I am prepared to call for a vote to
> incubate it.   
> I've created an outline page for you to start:
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/MyFacesProposal 
> Existing ASF Committers interested in participating, please add
> yourselves down in the sponsoring area, just to register your
> interest in helping.  
>       --- Noel
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