On Fri, Nov 07, 2003 at 03:18:05PM -0500, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > There is a discussion going on over at [EMAIL PROTECTED] about the
> > creation of an Apache jar and artifact repository. The discussion is
> > being constructive and is bringing in people from diverse efforts:
> > Maven, Ruper, Greebo, [EMAIL PROTECTED], and others.
> > * Who would like to Sponsor it? board? [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> An ASF Member (you) can sponsor it.  It doesn't take a PMC, unless that fell
> by the wayside somewhere along the way.
> > This is a new kind of incubation that I'd like to try. It's not an
> > established project that wants to come to Apache, rather an effort
> > that wants to try and see if it can work, similar to Geronimo but
> > coming mainly from Apache committers.
> It doesn't seem different at all.  There are established codebases outside
> of the ASF, e.g., Ruper and Greebo, existing communities around them, and an
> ASF Member (you) interested in sponsoring them into the Incubator.

Not to mention that Maven is *already* an ASF project. And infrastructure
is a pseudo-project, if you will :-)

I believe the "output" of the project would fall under the auspices of the
infrastructure team. If it "feels big" and/or infrastructure is hinky
about taking it on, *then* we could find a different home.


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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