On Mon, 20 Oct 2003, Roy T. Fielding wrote:

> > Assuming the Apache DB PMC approves Axion as a new subproject:
> >
> > 1) Other than the attribution of copyright to the ASF, the switch to
> > the
> > ASL, and the submission of a signed CLA for those that haven't already
> > done so, what specfic criteria/goals need to be met in order to
> > succesfully complete incubation?  I.e., how do we know when it is time
> > to
> > call for a vote on "graduation"?
> You can call a vote for it at any time after it enters incubation,
> but I suggest you avoid doing so until the questions in STATUS are
> answered.

Ok, thanks. The questions in the status file are in line with the
information I was looking for.

We should link to or include the text of STATUS at
<http://incubator.apache.org/process.html>, since process.html claims to
provide that sort of information, but provides substantially less detail.
As far as I can tell, there's no direct link or mention of STATUS on

> The vote will pass when the people responsible for incubation are
> reasonably satisfied that the task is complete and recorded for
> posterity.  The rate at which that happens is largely determined
> by the willingness of the new project volunteers and/or mentor to
> update the documents that record the podling's progress.

> > 2) What timeframe can we expect this to happen in?
> There is no timeframe.  Some take longer than others; some are ready
> before they even begin; and some never manage to begin.

The process.html document implies that the rough timeframe should be
known before the process is initiated.  Should that not be the case?

> ....Roy

- Rod <http://radio.weblogs.com/0122027/>

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