Ok, well, that's a procedural response, similar to the one available on
the incubator site, and is helpful as such, but I was also hoping to
understand the process in practice.  That is, what are the criteria by
which the incubator PMC determines whether or not a project is ready for
"graduation"?  Are there prerequisites outside of the formal voting and
the identification of a "mentor"?  What's to stop us from, say, calling
for a vote on "graduation" right now?

A couple of specific questions:

1) Given that (a) Axion was specifically mentioned as one of the seed
projects in the Apache DB proposal approved by the ASF board, (b) Axion
was founded by and remains largely composed of existing and often
long-standing ASF members, committers, contributors and PMC members, and
(c) Axion is a well established project that has been operating under
guidelines and a license derived from and essentially equivalent to those
of various ASF projects since it's inception, several members of the
Apache DB PMC (myself included) have expressed the opinion that
"incubation" of Axion is essentially a formality.  There seems to be
little to gain from a protracted "incubation" process here.  Can the DB
PMC recommend Axion for immediate "graduation"?  If not, what specific
criteria and or prerequisites will need to be met?

2) Since Axion already has an established, publicly accessible
infrastructure and is under active development, having to move the project
twice in quick succession will be inconvenient at best.  Is it possible to
"incubate" a project (whatever that means) from its current
location--i.e., without moving the source repository, mailing lists, web
site, etc.?

Nicola wrote:

> The incubation process, WRT responsibilities, is as follows:
> 1 - Any Apache PMC (project management commitee) or the Apache board
> approves the entrance of a project at Apache. They are the Sponsoring
> Entity.

> 2 - The Incubator is from that moment on responsible for the project,
> which will remain so till the Incubator votes for it to be "graduated"
> to the PMC that asked for it. If the PMC was the Incubator itself or the
> board, the project will have its own PMC.
> 3 - Incubation complete.
> > The Axion team would like to understand precisely what the incubation
> > requirements and process, if any, is necessary for a move to the
Apache DB
> > project.
> Ok.
> So, since you would like to have a place under the DB Project, ask there
> to vote for acceptance. After that vote, you will automatically be under
> the Incubator, and incubation will take place.
> You will then need a Mentor, that has to be an Apache member, that will
> be responsible for your project and become part of this PMC for all the
> incubation.

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