On Wednesday, October 01, 2003 9:48 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

> Cliff Schmidt wrote:
>> "XMLBeans is an incubated subproject under the sponsorship of the
>> Apache Software Foundation's (ASF) XML project.
> it all looks good, except for this.  i think i would prefer something
> like
> 'XMLBeans is an effort undergoing incubation at the Apache Software
> Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the ASF's XML Project.'
> the original uses the past tense and the semantically semi-null
> term 'subproject'.

Sounds reasonable.  Since I haven't heard any other opinions, we're 
going to go with the original + the one change Ken suggested.

I've also taken the liberty to update the IncubatorPolicyDraft wiki 
page with the latest text.  Aside from adding the paragraph, I've
also made the required word in the filename be "incubating", instead
of "incubator".  I thought this better reflected the state of the 
code (not an incubator itself, and not already incubated, but still


Hope that was helpful.


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