We should ask ourselves if we expect to provide a home for extended Perl, C or whatever APIs, naming services for those languages, etc. If the answer is "yes", then fine, we can all agree and move forward.
my opinion is that standards-based Directory + Identity services could make up a natural "semantic domain" (actually more natural than "XML") and we should focus on defining this domain, rather than what languages or language-specific extensions will be supported (much as that diminishes the importance of JNDI and the extended Java APIs that I am personally looking forward to ;-)). Then we need to make the explicit commitment that the core solutions implemented and the eventual TLP will support *all* languages and *all* computing platforms. Can we all agree to this?
Yes, with the clarification added by Roy that the project only has to be welcoming and supportive of people who want to work on such things.
Yes, that's what I meant to say, with the additional commitment that the core server products should not be designed or implemented in such a way as to discourage or make non-Java extensions difficult. As long as we keep things standards-based, that should not be a problem.
But I don't believe that you need to feel that it diminishes "the importance of JNDI and the extended Java APIs that I am personally looking forward to ;-))" because *you* (and others) represent such a community to be welcomed and supported within the domain.
Thanks. Believe me, "we" feel very welcome here. I just want to make sure that in defining the domain we stay focused on the core services and define and implement them in such a way that non-Java extensions/applications also make sense, given the positive answer above.
--- Noel
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