Hi Sascha-Matthias, your provided link is currently not working.
Carsten Sascha-Matthias Kulawik wrote > > Hello, > > we've developed a XML-based Content Management System based on different > technologies like Cocoon, EJB, JBoss and a WebStart Client Application. > It is in our interest, that we contribute this project with about > 200.000 Lines of Code to the Apache Foundation. I've also seen the fax > from the Incubator Project, that contains the Agreement how we can > contribute. I'm just interested, how we can do that. It is still > important for us, that we can commit to the CVS and are getting the > leadership of this project - is this the normal way how code will be > conributed? Is there any code-review before we can contribute the code? > Thanks a lot for all the other Apache Projects and this will be a big > thank you back for the community. > > Regards, > > Sascha-Matthias Kulawik > JuwiMacMillan Group GmbH > > P.S.: The Name of the Product is "ConQuest", it's current Home Page is > http://conquest.juwimm.net and it is already in use at some customers of > us. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]