How does anyone keep up with this flood of mail?

> 1. tapestry applied for entry to jakarta. there is a very 
> high barrier 
> which projects who wish to become part of jakarta have to pass. (if i 
> understand correctly) geronimo is a board level initiative which will 
> become a top level project.
> 2. tapestry lacked active support from apache members.

Tapestry was "adopted" by Andrew and dIon (diOn? dioN? DIoN? Whatever?), sometime 
after I wrote the
first proposal. AoC followed up my initial queries with a boilerplate proposal from 
Made all the difference in the world. 

> 3. tapestry was the first.

The first, and perhaps last, under those rules. Tapestry's (ok, my) experience was not 
Incubator resources were scarce ...
its like doing documentation, everyone knows its a good idea, but nobody has the time.

> FWIW i think that tapestry has become a stronger projects due to this 
> baptism of fire. i also think that it's unfortunately that 
> the incubation 
> took so much energy that could probably have been more 
> effectively spent 
> elsewhere.

The move to Jakarta motivated a number of the other developers; People may still think 
of Tapestry
has "Howard's project", but the meritocracy project really works; the other 
developer's stake in
has increased because.

> i do agree that the incubation process needs to be improved 
> and documented.
>   i also feel that it's important that all incubatees follow the same 
> process (even though for some products this may just be a formality).

Geronimo is following its own path; perhaps the board believes the J2EE stack merely 
has to be
assembled from existing pieces (Tomcat, Avalon, etc.).  Perhaps.

I don't believe that such wide-scale efforts can start in the Bazaar; maybe I'm wrong; 
I'd prefer
folks took their time to set a real direction for the project, then retired to
their corners to get things started down the right path; seems like what they are 
attempting is
chaotic.  This whole Elba thing, with LGPL code "temporarily" being used, seems
to be a kind of favoritism towards Geronimo not available to other Apache projects, 
which must
excise all connections to LGPL (and GPL) code.

Howard M. Lewis Ship
Creator, Tapestry: Java Web Components

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