Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:


Could you toss the board a bone here - i.e. reach consensus what *we* as
developers (all of us :-) feel are acceptable boundaries for working on
that code.


Then the board will help define what the ASF deems acceptable, and work
with you to convey this to RSA and/or negotiate the right sort of legal
paperwork with RSA.


Some thoughds:

- Zero Royalty versus (perpetual) Royalty Free ? Or a perpatual
license with Zero Royalty today.

Yes we want RSA to sign that they give a Royalty Free, perpetual license to use this patent inside of the propose OpenSAML project.

- Does it affect just ASF Developers or also the End-Users or people
who download our code ?

End users should not be required to acquire a seperate license from RSA in order to use OpenSAML for any purpose including embedding it in security products.

- Does it affect individual developers or can the ASF act as an
effective umbrella for all its committers ?

Developers should not be required to acquire a license in order to work on the OpenSAML project.



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