On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 11:29 PM, Paul Hammant wrote:
Does anyone want to step down from Incubator PMC? I'll step up (though like many I'm pressured for spare hours in the day). I promise to answer emails directed at the PMC, and vote though whenever opportunities arise. I'm on the Avalon PMC and have been an Apache committer for about three years.

As far as I'm concerned, the Incubator PMC does not require someone to step down before someone else can be invited. I will try to nominate people actively involved in the incubation process who have demonstrated a willingness and desire to help manage the incubation process.

Second, please resend any questions to this list that you believe
the PMC failed to respond to. It is possible we simply missed it,
and also possible that some of the PMC didn't feel it was their


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