On Fri, 2021-11-05 at 10:38 +0100, cohenarthur.dev via Gcc wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We have been trying to enable the use of selftests for the rust
> frontend
> over at gccrs. While doing this, I have realized that a few tests from
> language-independant source files such as `opt-problem.c` and
> `diagnostic.c` actually rely on the compiler being a C one.
> For example, one test asserts multiple time that a dumped text actually
> contains the "int" keyword for type assertions, which is never present
> in gccrs's error messages.
> In order to enable the selftests, I have added the following line to
> our
> rust/Make-lang.in, amongs others:
> Passing -xc instead enables the opt-problem and diagnostic tests to
> pass, but causes our tests to not run. Passing -xrs causes our tests to
> run, but the opt-problem and diagnostic selftests to fail.
> Any idea as to how to disable those tests? Or make it so that they are
> only ran when running C/C++ selftests?

If a selftest should only be run for a given language, there's a
langhook called by selftest::run_tests:

  /* Run any lang-specific selftests.  */
  lang_hooks.run_lang_selftests ();

which e.g. the C frontend implements in gcc/c/c-lang.c as:

#define LANG_HOOKS_RUN_LANG_SELFTESTS selftest::run_c_tests
#endif /* #if CHECKING_P */

which currently merely calls
  c_family_tests ();
which is defined in gcc/c-family/c-common.c

So the invocation of c-family-specific tests could be moved to there
(or to the appropriate locations for C/C++ tests), splitting things up
as appropriate based on how much of each file's selftest suite is lang-

If it's just one assert within a larger selftest that's problematic,
maybe we can conditionalize it individually, though I'm not sure of a
good way to do that off the top of my head.

Hope this is helpful

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